ConocoPhillips works with the world-renowned Smithsonian Institution to collect connectivity information for several bird species that follow a migratory flyway aligned with our areas of operation.
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Power In Cooperation
5 days ago
For an Alaska business like Saltwater Safari, having a stable oil and gas industry is vital to your success. That's one of the many reasons Captain Bob Candopolous is going to Vote No on One, as he shares in this latest TV spot.
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Power In Cooperation
Independent economist Roger Marks says problematic accounting in Ballot Measure 1 could make Alaska dangerously noncompetitive.
Read more about the significant impacts it would have on Alaska:
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Taking stock of oil taxes
The Fair Share Act’s rhetoric does not match the data. This problematic accounting could make Alaska dangerously noncompetitive.
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Every Alaska citizen is paying $1000 per year of their PFD to oil companies to sustain this current failed tax structure. Let's be Honest!
Don’t fall for these paid adds by big oil. If we don’t pass this referendum we will bankrupt the state meaning no PFD no troopers no fire protection no road maintenance no schools you get the idea. The most profitable Industry in the world can afford to pay a reasonable tax.
Problematic accounting for whom? Are you actually stating because oil companies will have to open their books to the people of Alaska, that is problematic? That's very telling. Vote yes ballot measure 1, and end Sean Parnell's SB21 carpet bagging.
It's obvious to me, just by the amount of commercials the pay for that they're the bad guys. The good guys don't have the I'll gotten gains that the bad guys have. It's crystal clear to me. Just like prop one, four years ago, same deal.
Vote yes. The corporations will spend millions in the last 100 days to con us all.
A political ad to protect the oil industries fleecing of Alaska!
Scare tactics! Typical of big oil! Let’s derail their gravy train. Alaska resources belong to all of the residents of Alaska and we the people are tired of the strong arm tact’s & threats to reduce exploration and slow down production. No more blackmail. Vote Yes For Alaska’s Fair Share.
You really mean, the significant impacts it'll have on oil industry coffers, don't you? Yeah, we get it! VOTE YES ON 1.
I’m voting no without fail.
Dangerously noncompetitive? We have some of the lowest rates in the world stop the givaway repeal SB21.
Just vote yes, yes, yes!
Instead of trying to ride the oil gravy train into oblivion why don't you create your own?
All this boils down to is everyone hoping to get more money ($992) from oil. Do you think it will last forever? What happens when it is gone? Where is the gravy train going to come from then?
This isn't the answer. Development of other industries and markets is.
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Power In Cooperation
1 week ago
It's the wrong time to raise taxes on any businesses, including oil companies, and Genevieve Bell of Flowline Alaska, Inc. shares why that is in our latest TV spot.
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2 weeks ago
“People say this is an oil company issue. It’s not. It’s an Alaska issue.”
Read more about the negative impact Ballot Measure 1 will have on the future of our state:
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A terrible time to increase oil production taxes
Other industries, like mining, tourism, seafood and the many service businesses, will ask the question: Who’s next?
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Well, when profits were soaring, we gave bigger tax breaks than ever to oil companies to get them to drill more. They are a business. they took the breaks and ran when things looked unprofitable. Nature of the beast. Don't whine about it now, Alaska, your leaders are big business men and don't care about social necessities that create quality of life for you and me. Capitalism is not interested in creating shared wealth.
Your profits say otherwise this is the perfect time the state needs its tax money from all of its resources you guys are criminal Thiefs at best
Not raising their taxes; restoring originsl royalties payments that Walker illegally restructured to allow oil companies to keep & withhold from payment.
Don’t increase taxes!
I care about Alaska’s economic and social future, that’s why I’m voting NO on Ballot Measure 1 this November.
At this time and place,no ones taxes should be raised for any reason.
ADN you people need to get on board this is the exact time alaskans need that Revenue
Let me see "a terrible time." When was the right time, several years ago when the oil companies pumped money to lower their taxes? When will the oil companies EVER agree to an increase in oil production taxes? I am listening..................
Exactly when would be a good time?? We've been giving the oil away for years and it needs to stop now!! We get almost half of what any other country gets. Let's get right, balance the budget and fill the PFD back to what it was before the RINO'S started stealing it...
your always saying its not time to raise taxes on big oil. i got news for you its way past time for these guys to start paying their way
Tax the oil companies. The state needs to do this. These companies have it way to easy over the years.
they’re making more money than ever before, Yet they need more of yours
I think the state should go bankrupt. Shut the oil off totally. Then half these people will leave and i could fish in peace.
Hah! “iF wE RaIsE tAxEs ThEy WiLl LeAvE”
Wrong. As long as money is there to be made, these corporations will continue to be in Alaska, no matter the tax. Corporate greed outweighs everything, and those pushing to keep these companies from getting taxed more are those that benefit from the breaks these companies are given.
Increase the taxes. The oil companies have had it way to easy over the years
If we taxed you appropriately Alaska would have the funds it needs to support our infrastructure, schools, and communities.
According to the oil company, it’s always a terrible time to tax them and their constant advertising is why we subsidize them with our own tax money instead.
Remember when oil was $140 a barrel, did these same oil companies say "dang, we are making a lot of money from selling your oil, here are a few billion extra for Alaska", no. Not taxes, compensation for a commodity. Quit letting them villainise their payment by calling it a 3 letter word, TAX.
Give me a break. With the last tax break you promised increased production and it dropped even more. Quit taking our money and giving nothing in return.
It's time the oil company's understood that they were making billions in a quarter and they put it in their pockets. It's time they remember its oil they are selling and it's the people oil not theirs. They are drilling for it and getting paid very well. It's time they give back to the people, for awhile anyway.
For the $5Billion in tax credits given to BP alone in the last 7 years of SB21, Alaska could have bought outright their interests in Prudhoe and sat on it and kept those profits like BP did over the same period. And paid, for University and state service being cut.
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Power In Cooperation
As the nation begins to reopen, we’re thanking everyone working on the front lines of the pandemic response. ... See MoreSee Less
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